

My dear client had been maintaining a professional blog for several years w/ help from various sources but never any over all comprehensive plan or evaluation.

The site was on a WordPress platform but was never fully developed and was pretty rough.

1. Reduce top nav no more than 8 choices
2. Signing up for anything, testimonials, research, your profile, and any other support content would be moved to the sidebar or and/or brought up above fold.
3. Testimonials should be edited down to little info bite for inserting into rotating widget, high up in primary side bar.
4. “Conditions Treated” needs to be reconfigured, need to avoid the “laundry list” look.
5. Utilize short blurbs/ intros as teasers to drill down and access content. ie: calls to actions, conditions treated, etc…
6. Bring in new plugins for rotating testimonials, utilizing social media, and provide better access.
7. Better utilize the category function so it can be useful.
8. Update all software
9. Install a more robust “premium” theme. provides better features, options and is supported better.
10. Implement better SEO practices (although client was diligent with seo)

All of the above were implemented w/ exception to #1. However we over came the issue of top nav being too full by careful styling and configuration of “categories” and “sub-categories”