Traci Ruble is a Marriage and Family Therapist in San Francisco. At that time Traci’s practice was doing relatively well but she was having issues about growing the practice.

When we first met she had as many ideas to play with as many questions to be answered. Like many I meet she had the basic structure of a brand and position (herself, her profession and an outgoing personality) but was over thinking the problem and way over complicating the solutions.

Low hanging fruit is my mantra and Traci had allot to work with here. A lot of people really hate to think of themselves as a product or a brand and often need convincing. However Traci was ready to hit ground running. But most importantly, she already had a blog establish on Blog Spot which was great but sorely inadequate. Once we had site together we simply imported the blog spot content over to the new site.

The site is now rolling and Traci claims she is already pulling in clients.